Change Communication

Why Colour Comes into Play –
and why a target picture is so important

Images and colors are closely linked to emotions and experiences. In a change process a target picture provides supporting energy. As a clear description, painted with colors and details, tangible, visible. If you as team choose a new path, a common picture that depicts the common future connects and creates a shared understanding. At the same time, it states the possibility of realization and leaves no room for doubt. Even more reason to keep it vivid and embellish it – as specific as possible. It is a model of the aspired. Of the often necessary. Of something that involves everybody.

Please think of your last summer vacation. Feels good? Do you have images in your mind’s eye? Look at your favorite pictures. The memories become more vivid, right? You can almost hear the waves, smell the mountain meadows?

For the change process a storyline with its pictures tells the story of the change. It is effective by reaching heart and mind, by enthusing and by answering the Why with determination and insistence, by describing the purpose and the added value.